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On the Issues:Responding With Resilience

Norfolk’s fight for resilience is multifaceted, every street and neighborhood faces different challenges. In order to rise to the occasion, we have to use a full toolbox of strategies so that all types of flooding are addressed. These include stormwater improvements, better stormwater facility maintenance, the Army Corp floodwall, raising houses, elevating roadways and more. 

In addition to making sure we get the right solution for every neighborhood, I’ll also work with the rest of City Council and our regional leaders to press for additional state and federal funding that will fund resilience infrastructure. The funding battle will define the future of Norfolk. Footing the cost of the necessary resilience work alone will drain our budget and load debt on our city. I promise to work hand in hand with other City officials to fight for the funding Norfolk deserves. 

Securing Funding for Resilience
Securing adequate funding for resilience projects is critical to Norfolk’s future.  I’ll also work with the rest of the City Council and our regional leaders to press for additional state and federal funding to fund resilience infrastructure. The funding battle will define the future of Norfolk. Footing the cost of the necessary resilience work alone will drain our budget and load debt on our city. We need significantly more support from the state on the floodwall project and I will work tirelessly to make that happen.

The Floodwall and Comprehensive Flood Protection
The Army Corps of Engineers' floodwall project is an important part of Norfolk’s resilience, but its design must go beyond mere protection. It’s essential that the floodwall preserves access to our beautiful waterfront, respects the character of historic neighborhoods, carefully considers our waterfront property owners, and serves as a community asset. I will advocate for a design that integrates bike and pedestrian trails and other opportunities for residents to engage with the water where possible, making the floodwall a space that enhances our connection to the water most days while safeguarding us from its risks when we need it.

Equally important is ensuring that the community is actively engaged in the design process. Transparency and ongoing dialogue with residents is absolutely critical in creating a floodwall that not only protects but also reflects the values and needs of Norfolk’s citizens. This approach ensures that our resilience efforts strengthen, rather than divide, our community, turning a necessary defense into a cherished part of our city’s landscape.

Protecting All of Norfolk
Every neighborhood in Norfolk deserves to be protected from the impacts of climate change, whether it’s flooding, storm surges, or extreme weather events. I will work to ensure that resilience measures are equitably distributed across the city, focusing not only on high-profile projects like the floodwall but also on smaller-scale interventions that can make a significant difference in individual neighborhoods.

This includes prioritizing investments in underserved areas that are often disproportionately affected by environmental challenges, ensuring that these communities are not left behind in our resilience efforts. Protecting all of Norfolk means creating a safer, more resilient city for everyone, regardless of where they live.

Economic Opportunities Through Resilience Projects
Resilience projects are not just about protection; they also present significant economic opportunities for Norfolk. By investing in infrastructure that addresses climate challenges, we can simultaneously create jobs, attract new businesses, and stimulate local economic growth. These projects can serve as a catalyst for economic revitalization, particularly in areas that are vulnerable to environmental risks.

By positioning resilience as both a protective and economic strategy, we ensure that these investments benefit the entire community. As we build a more resilient Norfolk, we can also create a stronger, more vibrant economy that supports all our residents.  See more on my Investing in High Paying Jobs section.

Regional Collaboration for Resilience
Resilience is not a challenge that Norfolk can face alone; it requires collaboration with our neighboring cities and counties across Hampton Roads. Flooding, storm surges, and rising sea levels are regional challenges that affect the entire area. I will advocate for stronger regional partnerships to address these shared challenges. By positioning Norfolk as a leader in these efforts, we can set the standard for resilience across the region and work together to develop comprehensive strategies that benefit the entire area.

Regional collaboration allows us to pool resources and expertise, enabling us to undertake large-scale projects that no single locality could manage on its own. By leading these regional initiatives, Norfolk can ensure that our city and its neighbors receive the support needed to protect our communities. Additionally, by presenting a united front when applying for state and federal grants, we can increase our chances of securing the necessary funding for critical infrastructure projects.